Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Take it and run with it

first printing

Take it and run with it…

Recently I took a Zentangle class, if you are not familiar with that, it is a form of ink drawing, based on patterns.  I was not sure where it would lead but found the process interesting.  Working with the ink drawings has managed to lead to new ideas, and that is why I love to take class and workshops when ever I can. 
   The class had a project of that involved drawing with white ink on black paper.  Look at the designs from the class I noticed that those patterns would make a good template for ink relief printing.  The reason for that is when printing you have to think in reverse of what the final print will look like.  Thought I would share some pictures of the process and where it is leading.  These are just the first in a series of ideas that will end up as finished art works. 
   Hope this inspires you to try some new projects.  For more information on Zentangle check out; http://www.zentangle.com/, an look for friends of Zentangle on Face Book.

white ink on black paper

rough lay out for print plan 

foam printing plate

another plate for print

first inking of a plate




and yet another idea

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