Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 3

"Sun Burst"  Acrylic on watercolor paper,  DPWs Auction
Day 3 of the the 30 paintings in 30 days Sept. challenge.  Experimenting a bit with the leaf colors.  I noticed in the sun the leaves seem to have a light blueish cast, so wanted to add that to this still-life.


  1. Fun to see you building on yesterday's painting. It's wonderful!

  2. Tried to put a check in the cool box... couldn't. I love the blue, and this big bodacious bloom!

  3. Mary, I hope you got my comment on this one yesterday....I don't see it published. But I probably said something along the lines of I am enjoying watching you do variations on your subject. The way you did that highlight on the vase is really popping for me, too.
