Tuesday, July 22, 2014

New paint, old color

After painting for a few years most artist end up with a favorite stand range of colors they use.  I noticed that the colors I pick are primary modern colors, permanent rose, phthalo blue and green, yellow.  I have avoided classic earth pigments, for some reason.  Well I decided to give a couple a try,  Raw Sienna, and Iron oxide red and see what they are like.  Decided a landscape would be a safe subject.
8 x 10 inch oil on canvas panel, "Last Rays"
Available at DPWs
Found I love the Raw Sienna, it is a shade of yellow that I just could not get from my standard yellow like Cad. yellow.  But also found Iron red oxide is tricky,  it is a very dense over powering red that needs to be handled in small amounts.
It was interesting to try something different, hope you enjoy my view of a Great lakes shore line.

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