Monday, June 1, 2009

watercolorist first....

Watercolorist first….BUT you don’t what your missing if you don’t experiment with all those other goodies out there.

Artist = Student, yep I think to be an artist you will always be a student. The logic to this is; making art is to create, to create is to grow artistically, by learning and experimenting.
Back to where I started artist = student.

Also, I will admit I am a sucker for new toys, new toys mean learning new games, and new rules. So there it is a totally logical reason to jump from watercolor, to inks, to acrylic, and finally to a mixed media for all three.

I have also been influenced recently by a DVD from Robert Burridge, “Start abstract painting today”. There were many interesting points, but it was the idea; to always do a series, that has me going, right now.

I have folders full of quick figure drawings, that when an idea is needed they are handy and inspiring.

Started out with a pencil drawing on newsprint, that was simple with good lines and decided to do a watercolor, from there a mono print adding an extra figure, then an ink…soon to follow an acrylic on canvas. Using one basic figure there is a number of things to learn, by testing new media. Continuing this process with another figure pose, a series can begin. With each new version I am free to change a point I may have questioned in the last, without losing the original. I really love this new freedom…so simple why didn’t I think of this sooner!